Here at Save Our Woodlands we are doing everything in our power, personally and as an organisation to protect and enhance the environment.
We are being as environmentally friendly as possible in our own homes – along with raising awareness, lobbying and raising funds to protect woodlands that are rapidly disappearing. We hope that articles like this will serve to enlighten others and…
That YOU will join us in sharing and educating those who maybe don’t yet realise what is happening – and that if we don’t lock arms and do something – and now – things are going to get even worse.
From THE GUARDIAN, JULY 31, 2023
The lesson from the Greece wildfires? The climate crisis is coming for us all.
The developed world needs to be shocked out of its complacency about our warming world, and the unexpected effects that will follow
The brief Greece video unwittingly follows the same script of rapid unravelling: an idyllic waterside scene is instantly transformed, overshadowed by looming fire and smoke, then abandoned for boats, buses and waiting holding pens as hundreds of tired and bewildered people seek shelter and fail to secure flights out.
The tourists get to go home, eventually. But the extreme heat and weather events that have characterised this summer in southern Europe, the internal displacement they caused and the disruption to tourism and the local economy they are wreaking, brings the continent ever closer to what is now a global experience. Over the past decade, almost 22 million people have been displaced every year by weather-related events. The projection is even more staggering. By 2050, the forecast is that 1.2 billion people will join the ranks of climate migrants, most of them from the countries with the lowest capacity to deal with the fallout from global heating.
Further down the opinion piece goes on to state:
These calamities seem remote and unrelated to anything that could happen in the developed world. What we experience as freak weather events, erratic temperature fluctuations and a dystopian few days of New York under an orange smoke cloud are less alarming than they should be because they feel temporary and, ultimately, absorbable. They occur in relatively affluent urban economies with robust physical and financial infrastructures, ones that can cushion the mass movement of people, and their food and water provision in times of crisis.
However briefly, though, these climate crisis-related events should act as a window on to a scenario where slow, small changes accumulate until a sudden, devastating impact permanently ejects you from your home and reshapes your ability to make a living. And yet this window is slammed shut by what has become, in the UK and Europe, a cruel political determination that other countries’ issues are not our problem. Most crucially, they don’t look like our problems.
Save our Woodlands was established to protect and expand the remaining 15% of NSW, Australia’s woodlands. These woodlands are critical habitats for many vulnerable, threatened and endangered species.
YOU can help us prevent even more of our precious woodlands from being cleared for development, to instead be protected as a sanctuary for woodland species.
YOU can also help us rid NSW woodlands of the invasive weeds that are choking out native plants required by endangered species.
YOU can help us provide “pathways”, and access routes for firefighters so that we don’t lose any more NSW woodlands to bushfires.
We do NOT want a repeat performance of the Black Summer Bushfires of 2019/2020.
It’s hard not to be discouraged about the state of our global environment, isn’t it?
Like you, Save Our Woodlands volunteers have times when we are about ready to give up hope – when we wonder if any one is paying attention or cares.
Thankfully between us, there is always at least one volunteer – not always the same one – who is ready to help us pull up our bootstraps and remind us to just get on with it.
Having said all that, we find great joy in any glimmer of hope that we are not alone, that other Australians are paying attention and care.
Please join us in this fight to preserve the woodlands of New South Wales.

Save Our Woodlands is an environmentally conscious group of volunteers dedicated to preserving threatened birds, animals and ecosystems in the woodlands of New South Wales, Australia.
Only 15% of our woodlands remain, the rest has been cleared for agriculture.
Save Our Woodlands Inc. secures and protects woodlands in NSW and pays landholders, in perpetuity, to conserve, enhance and re-establish native woodlands on THEIR land, and to manage these woodlands, so they are maintained.
BUT we need YOUR help. Together we can bring about change. Please consider donating.
People tend to think that woodlands are “just bush,” consequently, over 85% of the native woodlands in New South Wales, Australia have been replaced by agriculture.
Donate $10 per month & help protect critical habitats. By doing so YOU will prevent further species from extinction.
Our work is only possible with your support.