The Common Brown Butterfly can be found in urban, forest and woodland areas of South-eastern Queensland, New South Wales, Western Australia and Tasmania.

The Common Brown Butterfly has been used in the first Australian study showing that man-made climate change is the direct cause of changes to the life cycle of native Australian animals.
Butterflies are emerging in spring over 10 days earlier than they did 65 years ago, a shift that has been linked to regional human-induced climate change in a University of Melbourne-led study. The work reveals, for the first time, a causal link between increasing greenhouse gases, regional warming and the change in the timing of a natural event.
Lead author of the study Dr Michael Kearney from the Department of Zoology, University of Melbourne says the findings could help our ability to forecast future impacts of climate change on biodiversity.
“Shifts in these seasonal life cycle events represent a challenge to species, altering the food and competition present at the time of hatching. Studies such as ours will allow better forecasting of these shifts and help us understand more about their consequences,” says Dr Kearney.
“Scientists have previously observed that biological events are happening progressively earlier in spring over the past few decades. This new work has tied the earlier emergence of butterflies directly to a regional temperature increase, and has tied the temperature increase very strongly to increases in greenhouse gas concentrations caused by humans,” says Professor Karoly.
YOU can help us preserve, and enhance existing Common Brown Butterfly habitat and to further expand the habitat under our care and protection. Please consider donating today.
PLEASE note the name does not mean that this butterfly does not need protection. “Common” in its name doesn’t mean that it is immune to the dangers of climate change.
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Save Our Woodlands is an environmentally conscious group of volunteers dedicated to preserving threatened birds, animals and ecosystems in the woodlands of New South Wales, Australia.
Only 15% of our woodlands remain, the rest has been cleared for agriculture.
Save Our Woodlands Inc. secures and protects woodlands in NSW and pays landholders, in perpetuity, to conserve, enhance and re-establish native woodlands on THEIR land, and to manage these woodlands, so they are maintained.
BUT we need YOUR help. Together we can bring about change. Please consider donating.
People tend to think that woodlands are “just bush,” consequently, over 85% of the native woodlands in New South Wales, Australia have been replaced by agriculture.
Donate $10 per month & help protect critical habitats. By doing so YOU will prevent further species from extinction.
Our work is only possible with your support.