“Fast Fashion” is produced cheaply, worn briefly, and discarded quickly by those keeping up with the trends.
Between 2000 and 2015 people bought 60% more clothes and discarded them in half the time.
Fashion is one of the fastest growing waste challenges in Australia — and for that matter around the globe.
More than 50,000 tonnes of textiles and leather end up in landfills per year – just in Australia.
Again, this is a challenge that is NOT unique to Australia but it is one that we, no matter where we live should be aware of, and that we can all certainly, easily do our best to help minimize the “fashion waste” entering our landfills.
UOWTV – October 4th, 2023: A recent report by Monash University’s Sustainable Development Institute (MSDI) has revealed Australians purchase on average an estimated 27 kg of new fashion and textiles each year, twice the global average of 13 kg per person.
The study found this overconsumption makes Australia the second largest consumer of textiles globally, behind the US.
We would like to add that our whole team are fans of natural fabrics, fabrics that will decompose.
The following longer documentary summary was produced about 3 years ago – and we think it and the full documentary are valuable because the challenges of fast fashion have not gone away, instead, they have grown exponentially and the documentary and summary, along with expanding upon the challenges of fast fashion, highlight ways to negate the challenges.
P.S. Produced in the UK it will still be very interesting for those in Australia due to a very strong tie in to the wool industry.
Save Our Woodlands is an environmentally conscious group of volunteers dedicated to preserving threatened birds, animals and ecosystems in the woodlands of New South Wales, Australia.
Only 15% of our woodlands remain, the rest has been cleared for agriculture.
Save Our Woodlands Inc. secures and protects woodlands in NSW and pays landholders, in perpetuity, to conserve, enhance and re-establish native woodlands on THEIR land, and to manage these woodlands, so they are maintained.
BUT we need YOUR help. Together we can bring about change. Please consider donating.
People tend to think that woodlands are “just bush,” consequently, over 85% of the native woodlands in New South Wales, Australia have been replaced by agriculture.
Donate $10 per month & help protect critical habitats. By doing so YOU will prevent further species from extinction.
Our work is only possible with your support.