The Greater Glider is yet another endangered animal which lives in our NSW woodlands.
The Greater Glider is the largest gliding possum with a head and body length of 350-450mm and a long furry tail measuring 450-600mm.
The Greater Glider has thick fur that increases its apparent size. The fur colour is white or cream below and varies from dark grey, and dusky brown to light mottled grey and cream above.
It has large ears with hair that projects past the outer ear edge.
It has a strongly reflective eyeshine in the beam of a spotlight making it easy to detect.
The Greater Glider occurs in eucalypt forests and woodlands along the east coast of Australia from northeast Queensland to the Central Highlands of Victoria.
Habitat and ecology
- Feeds exclusively on eucalypt leaves, buds, flowers and mistletoe.
- Shelter during the day in tree hollows and will use up to 18 hollows in their home range.
- Occupy a relatively small home range with an average size of 1 to 3 ha.
- Give birth to a single young in late autumn or early winter which remains in the pouch for approximately 4 months and is independent at 9 months of age.
- Usually solitary, though mated pairs and offspring will share a den during the breeding season and until the young are independent.
- Can glide up to a horizontal distance of 100m including changes of direction of as much as 90 degrees.
- Very loyal to their territory.
- Information from:
Photo credit: Laura Howden

Save Our Woodlands is an environmentally conscious group of volunteers dedicated to preserving threatened birds, animals and ecosystems in the woodlands of New South Wales, Australia.
Only 15% of our woodlands remain, the rest has been cleared for agriculture.
Save Our Woodlands Inc. secures and protects woodlands in NSW and pays landholders, in perpetuity, to conserve, enhance and re-establish native woodlands on THEIR land, and to manage these woodlands, so they are maintained.
BUT we need YOUR help. Together we can bring about change. Please consider donating.
People tend to think that woodlands are “just bush,” consequently, over 85% of the native woodlands in New South Wales, Australia have been replaced by agriculture.
Donate $10 per month & help protect critical habitats. By doing so YOU will prevent further species from extinction.
Our work is only possible with your support.