Let’s be honest, nobody enjoys facing uncomfortable truths. But here’s one we can’t ignore: Australia’s plastic consumption is on track to more than double by 2050.
We’re all becoming more mindful of plastic use at home, but the bigger picture is concerning.
Despite government efforts to create a “circular economy” for plastic (where waste is recycled and reused), only 14% of plastic in Australia actually escapes landfills.
Recycling plastic itself is inefficient, expensive, and sometimes risky, and there’s just not enough demand for recycled materials.
The solution? Experts say we need stricter policies to limit plastic production and consumption, including a plastic tax.
Okay, that’s the not-so-great news. But here’s the good part: We, as individuals, have the power to make a difference!
Yes, you read that right. Even though the problem seems huge, every small change counts. This massive report highlights a crucial point: current government policies focus heavily on recycling after plastic is already produced, rather than stopping it at the source.
That’s where you come in! Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re already making eco-friendly choices. You, like us have probably become hyper aware of the amount of plastic in your home and coming into your home.
No one can fix everything but collectively we can reduce our plastic footprint – and although the local, national and global challenges may seem overwhelming – little bits do add up.
Join us in having conversations with family, friends, neighbours, co-workers.
One of our favourite things is to start a conversatiion by stating that we’ve recently become more concerned than ever about the amount of plastic waste – and how we were shocked to find out that only 14% is recycled in Australia.
And then we ask what ways they’ve found to reduce the plastic in their homes – and businesses.
That 14% may catch their attention too.
We’ve found one of two things happens…
One they may have better ideas and be ahead of us when it comes to reducing the plastic coming into our homes — and we end up learning how to further reduce our plastic use…
Or they haven’t really given it much thought, mostly because they weren’t aware of how little plastic actually gets recylcled but they are open to learning more.
Either way it’s a win-win.

Save Our Woodlands is an environmentally conscious group of volunteers dedicated to preserving threatened birds, animals and ecosystems in the woodlands of New South Wales, Australia.
Only 15% of our woodlands remain, the rest has been cleared for agriculture.
Save Our Woodlands Inc. secures and protects woodlands in NSW and pays landholders, in perpetuity, to conserve, enhance and re-establish native woodlands on THEIR land, and to manage these woodlands, so they are maintained.
BUT we need YOUR help. Together we can bring about change. Please consider donating.
People tend to think that woodlands are “just bush,” consequently, over 85% of the native woodlands in New South Wales, Australia have been replaced by agriculture.
Donate $10 per month & help protect critical habitats. By doing so YOU will prevent further species from extinction.
Our work is only possible with your support.
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